Wednesday 30 March 2011

I would like to thank my agent... parents for driving me to my English class, and J for putting up with my bad jokes for almost 13 years.

Karin has very kindly nominated me for a blog ”award”, where you have to write 8 things about yourself and then pass the ”award” on to 8 other bloggers.

Here are 8 things you desperately wanted to know about me, but never thought to ask:

  1. I have two university degrees, yet the achievement that I am most proud of is running almost 50 km last autumn (hate studying - love running).

  2. I always give people the benefit of a doubt. They have to seriously screw up to lose my respect.

  3. I am a hard-rocker at heart (and probably always will be), although I do enjoy other styles of music too.

  4. I must have been a hippy in a past life. I would have felt right at home growing up in the '60s, both music-wise and life philosophy-wise.

  5. I am an agnostic. That's not to say that I don't get spiritual from time to time. I believe that the closest thing to God that exists is what we see all around us. Everything from a tiny little bug to the stars and the universe.

  6. I hate flying, but love travelling. A conundrum, for sure. Running to my travel destination is not usually a viable alternative.

  7. Without my contacts / glasses, I'm blind as a bat. Unfortunately without the aural perks of being a bat.

  8. I've moved country twice, which I found exhilarating, in the butterflies-in-the-stomach kind of way. If we hadn't made a life for ourselves here, and if it weren't for how far it is from our families, J and I would probably move to Canada tomorrow. Just for the thrill of it, not because we're tired of Sweden.

But enough about me. What about you...

...Biscuit Nikki...




...and right there, my inspiration just flew out of the window. A lot of the people whose blogs I read have already answered. Some other bloggers are too ”big” to notice my blog, let alone read it (Scott Jurek? Rune Larsson? If you're reading this, let's get together for a run soon, yeah? Call me!)

So there you have it. I broke the rule of sending the love forward to 8 bloggers. But if you have a blog and I haven't mentioned you, feel free to share 8 things about yourself!


  1. Jag trodde du var infödd för din engelska är...amazing! :D

  2. Haha brilliant!
    I'll get right on this when I finish work ;-)

  3. Åh, en award till mig, vad trevligt! Efter två födelsedagar, en massa jobbsök och diverse annat som tagit en hel del tid förutom att jag deppat över mitt jäkla knä som aldrig blir bättre, så låg jag lite efter i din blogg så såg det precis, men kastar det över mig direkt. :)
