Saturday, 12 January 2013

Let the sunshine in

Despite having spent more hours awake than asleep last night, what with our upstairs neighbours perfecting their ”Riverdance” routine at 1am and me then having to get up just before 5 to clean up after our cats (YES. Again. Only this time it came out the other end. Because that's what I want to see first thing in the morning), I didn't suffer during the long run with AIK this morning. Much.

New places to discover.
And the reason was this:

It's always great when the sun makes an appearance on a long run, and it has been gracing us with its presence a lot lately, but today was different. It felt different. I couldn't put my finger on why it was like this, but, if it hadn't been for the biting cold (-13 and windy), it would almost feel like spring. And then, when I ran up the last little hill on my way home and saw the sun shine with all its might over the houses in the distance, it hit me: the sun was higher up in the sky than it was last week.

The sun is not just peek-a-booing, blink-and-you'll-miss-it-cameo'ing over the horizon any more. It actually makes an effort to get out of bed and make some breakfast, even if it doesn't quite make it all the way to work. And the good news is that this improvement in the sun's enthusiasm to get up in the morning will be escalating pretty damn quickly from now on, until it reaches its glorious, maniacal, daylight-almost-24 hours-per-day zenith in June. And that makes me ridiculously happy.


  1. Wow. Cool. Obviously!

  2. Oj så vackert! Det finsn verkligen inget bättre än solen!
    När jag var uppe i Gällivare nu under julen insåg man hur mkt man faktiskt saknar det där runda ljusa klotet... På tal om det: Man borde ta sig ut på en promenad i alla fall nu när det är soligt!!:)

    1. Ja, man tar det för givet annars. Men desto gladare blir man när solen äntligen kikar fram!

  3. Vilken otroligt vacker löpning. Förstår att du blir lyrisk. Detta saknar jag massor. Inte alls samma sak att powerwalka med en hund. Man får inte endorfinerna...

    1. Eller hur! Minns hur frustrerande det var att gå på promenader när jag hade löparknä och se alla andra springa. Vackert väder i all ära men man upplever det inte på samma sätt när man bara går. Men du har inte länge kvar nu innan du kan börja igen, och då kommer det att kännas 100 gånger härligare än innan, jag lovar!
