Thursday 24 March 2011

Flexibility is my middle name

I got lazy yesterday. I didn't go for a run, as I had planned. The wind had picked up considerably in the evening, the sky was half cloudy and it didn't look or feel like summer at all. I did some strength exercises instead. Yeah, I'm flexible like that.

The wind is still howling, even more than yesterday, but two days in a row without running? When I'm healthy and my legs are well rested? Sacrilege! Besides, I really don't feel like cycling against the wind.

So my running clothes are coming with me to work. By the time I start running home, the sun will be on its way back to bed and I'll have the wind on my back. Maybe the sky will treat me to a kaleidoscopic sunset.


  1. Hoppas på en vacker solnedgång och medvind till dig! Själv sticker jag till sjukgymnasten och roar mig haha!

  2. Tack, det gick bra! Jag fick min vackra solnedgång, även om det inte gav nån sommarkänsla direkt. Men jag får tacka för medvinden jag fick. Händer inte så ofta i Göteborg...
