Sunday 4 March 2012

Cannonball read #08: Relentless forward progress by Bryon Powell

Relentless forward progress is a guide book about running ultra marathons. Ultra marathons are distances, as the name suggests, that surpass that of a marathon. Races commonly start at 50 km. As a budding ultra runner, I looked forward to reading this book and learning more about this extreme type of running. Of course, in the age of the Internet, such books can easily feel redundant and unnecessary. You can find all the information you need on the countless websites that are out there. The key here is to separate the wheat from the chaff, find which sources of information can be trusted and which kind of information is relevant.

Bryon Powell is a reliable source. He's an established ultra runner himself, with many years' experience behind him, which he's eager to share with his audience. If that doesn't convince you, the guest spots he offers to various experts on several issues will. The book also covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of training for an ultra marathon to more specialised areas, like racing in extreme climates and barefoot running.

I learned a lot from this book that my online browsing hadn't taught me, because I didn't even think I needed to find out. With my first ultra coming up in just a week, I feel better prepared. If I could find a fault with this book it would be that its wide range of topics comes with a cost: he doesn't go in too deep. Still, Relentless forward progress is a great guide for beginners.

1 comment:

  1. Jag tänkte faktiskt på att köpa en ljudbok idag. Hade musiken på random och det blev väldigt mycket julsånger... Inte helt passande i vårsolen, men blev lite komiskt. Troligen roligare med en spännande bok.

    Om du visste vad du peppar mig och gör mig glad! Tack snälla!!
    Idag är första gången jag känner mig helt död efter ett pass. Jag hade kanske kunnat springa 1 km till, men 25 km är verkligen att pusha till max just nu. Om jag hade fått sitta ett tag och bara äta lite hade jag fixat lite till, men energin försvann helt. Jag sprang på stubbar och har verkligen aldrig varit så trött i kroppen förr. En helt underbar känsla!
    Ser fram emot nästa pass och undrar hur jag kommer att må i morgon haha.

