Thursday, 5 April 2012

Back to basics

When life gives you lemons, make yourself a stiff drink.

Since I'm not a big drinker, I'm at loss as to what to do with my lemons. I have 5 glorious work-free days ahead of me, which I had planned on spending (you guessed it) running. Maybe with some lazy back-to-back long runs. In the forest. I was looking forward to that.

But then I was given the aforementioned lemons. First I thought I'd go cycling, but I doubt it's good for my knee. Then I thought I'd do some yoga, but I *yawn*. Then I thought I'd go swimming, and, well, see comment above about yoga. I was also given a kilo of Easter sweets. Eating them all in one sitting might be enjoyable momentarily, but it might be counter-productive to my training and overall well-being. Plus then they'd all be gone in five minutes and then what would I do?

Not wanting to start my long weekend feeling defeated, I left the flat disguised as a jogger: soft, comfortable cotton pants, cotton T, fleece and a jacket. No Garmin. The only thing that could reveal my true identity as a runner was the Kayano on my feet. I walked to the woods, and once my shoes touched dirt, I carefully started jogging.


You know the old running adage ”As long as it doesn't hurt, you can keep running”? I wonder if that still holds true if, prior to your running, you've applied some painkilling diclofenac on the aching area. I suspect that's cheating.

Anyway, I kept jogging until the first signs of irritation came. I switched to walking for a few meters immediately, then started jogging again. I walked up and down the worst hills and jogged the flatter parts. This way I remained pain-free for over 5 km. Then the irritation started coming sooner and sooner after I'd started jogging. When I left the woods to get back home, I could hardly jog without my knee complaining. Please note that it didn't hurt; but had I gone on, it would probably have done.

The last kilometre or so I invented a new way of running. For the rebellious ones among you that like to go against the grain and common sense, this might appeal to you. The principle is that you do the exact opposite of what they've been telling you is correct running technique. Bend your knees as little as possible. Bounce. Land on your heels. Be stiff as a board. This innovative way of moving forward kept my knee happy and quiet on the downhill slope home.

I covered a total of approximately 9,8 km in an hour and twenty minutes. I realise that with those less-than-impressive statistics they won't be inviting me to join Sweden's national ultra running team any time soon, but I am satisfied. Ok, maybe satisfied is too strong a word. It was...ok. Especially the first half of the round before my knee started accusing me of abuse and calling its lawyers for a cease and desist order. But I am waiting with the official verdict until diclofenac is out of my system and I've tried walking down the stairs.


  1. Är det löparknä du dras med eller är det någon annan typ av knäskada? Är ju kanske inte så bra att springa med smärtstillande, men vem är jag att döma (been there, done that so to say) :) Du kan ju alltid köra hemmastyrketräning (eller på gym) i påsk - man kan faktiskt nästan börja tycka om det, jag lovar ;)

  2. Tycker du är kanonduktig! Och du passar viss in bland ultras, men först måste knät bli bra ;)

    Och vad spännande att du anmälde dig till kursen. Du kommer älska den. Jag tyckte den var underbar!

  3. sv: Flygande änder ser faktiskt ut som små tanter när du nu uppmanar mig till att titta nära hahaha...
    Kram och ha en fin, fin långfredag.
    Jag skippar löpning idag. Snöblandat regn och blåst.. Nej! Hoppas på bättre lycka i morgon.

  4. Vad tapper du är. Hoppas du inte får skit för detta efteråt utan kan återhämta dig med is och spikmatta. Kram på dig. Know the feeling oh to well.
