Monday, 2 April 2012

Back on the bench

If you're looking for little miss sunshine, you're in the wrong blog. It's Monday today, and what better way to kick off the week than with a slap in the face?

I slept terribly last night. Strange dreams mixed with some stress over the amount of work I need to do this month kept me tossing and turning. I gave up around 5 and got up. My knee felt fine, so I thought I'd take it for a spin. Just a short jog to see how it reacts.

Almost as soon as I started running, it stiffened up. Most of the time, sensations like that go away once I'm properly warmed up, but this time they didn't. I ran up the hill towards the lake, and the sensation in my knee slowly got more and more intense. I picked a pine needle covered trail that cut through the woods instead of the harder gravel path, and the soft surface gave me some relief. But once I was back on tarmac, the feeling that my knee was inflamed was back. No pain, just inflammation.

Bending the knee is what seems to cause the problem, so I tried running with a slightly less bent knee. I had to get home somehow, and walking would mean freezing in the morning sub zero temperatures. Apart from the fact that it looks silly, running with one straight-ish leg is not very comfortable, but since it was now downhill, my knee didn't complain as much.

5 km later I was home. I showered my knee in ice cold water and I will apply some Diclofenac gel on it later. I've lost count of how many injuries I've had in just one year. Time to take up stamp collecting instead?


  1. Nej då.. Du blir bra ;) Frimärken är inte alls lika kul!
    Och jag gillar att du inte är "little miss sunshine". Det är inte jag heller. Man har ups and downs.
    Fast som du säger så hjälper löpningen massor. Kanske lite väl mycket då jag verkar ha glömt bort gymmet för tillfället. Inte helt ok!

  2. Vad är det som hänt med ditt knä?
    Hoppas du snart är på bättringsvägen.

    Din pizza såg hur god ut som helst. Ta med på nåt långpass och bjud oss :)

  3. Äsch då, låter inte alls roligt :( Och plötsligt känns det inte alls legitimt att vara sur över snön som föll igår ;)

  4. Men vad jobbigt med knät. Jag gillar visserligen yoga, men det är fel tider den är på tyvärr. Borde också yoga lite. Framför allt stretcha mer...
    Åh, gift er igen ;) Eller så kan jag fotografera i alla fall. Älskar "green wedding shoes" Sök på det. Man behöver ju faktiskt inte gifta sig. Kan bara ta fina bilder.
    Krya på dig nu! Snabbare än 9 månader får vi hoppas att det läker.
