Thursday, 3 January 2013

The unsung hero

It surprises no one who's read this blog longer than a couple of months that my favourite kind of run is the long run. Spending the day putting kilometre after kilometre behind me while I make my way through new places, seeing new areas and maybe stopping for a quick snack at a bakery I just discovered is so fun and satisfying. So natural. Born to run, indeed.

But distance runs are quickly growing on me. Other sessions bring expectations with them: the interval session means you need to run at a certain speed, the long run means you need to collect a certain amount of kilometres. But the humble distance run is unpretentious. You just find a pace you're comfortable with and run as far as you feel like. Maybe 2 kilometres, maybe 10.

Yesterday my distance run ended up being 16,5 km long. No hurry, no pressure, just following my body's lead like a dancer in her partner's arms, caught up in the moment, to the notes of a salsa song. A calf muscle that felt sore before the run seemed to like the careful pace that the others in AIK set, especially since the near-zero temperature had turned snow into slush and ice at places.

With the first run of the year behind me, I am looking ahead. And looking forward to starting my training programme for Lapland Ultra in two weeks.


  1. Det är verkligen lyx. När man har tid, ork och en kropp som håller! Jag kan nästan känna detsamma nr jag sätter mig på motionscyjeln på gymet: 5mil, ingen tidspress. Lunka på liksom;)

    1. Haha, ja, hm, hur jag än försöker kan jag inte se ett 5mils-cykelpass på gymmet som avkopplande eller lyxigt. Bara som pina ;)

  2. Lapland Ultra är grymt!! Jag är imponerad. Så snart jag kommer igång med löpningen igen ska jag sätta upp ett realistiskt mål.

    1. får se hur det går! Jag har en talang för att bli skadad varenda gång jag satsar på ett lopp, så var inte imponerad än ;)
      Det blir kul att se vilka mål du väljer att satsa på!
