My head was the size of a small planet
when I woke up this morning. My eyes felt swollen and ached. A cup of
coffee fixed most of that, but a feeling that something is wrong
persisted all through the day. Add to that the thousand knives that
have been stabbing me in the stomach for over a week, and you
probably have the reason why today's run home from work went as bad
as it did.
I couldn't get any semblance of flow in
my running. Breathing felt forced, as if I were running a lot faster
than I actually was. The whole half hour it took to get home I kept
wishing it felt easier, because it was such a gorgeous autumn day and
my brain wanted me to keep running forever. Or at least until
I long for the day my thigh muscle
shuts up and running feels easy again.
Hopefully the next run will be better.