Monday, 9 July 2012

Pretty happy with life just now

A running total of 3 km and 18 minutes, 10 of which completely barefoot, brought me to the lake shore and to my parents, who had walked around the lake while I ran. I took of my t-shirt and shorts and jumped in the lake. Well. It was more like I slowly lowered myself into the cold water. 

Photo courtesy of my dad
Sunshine warmed my body once I came out of the lake during the short periods of time when clouds parted to let it through. My feet, which ached before I went into the water thanks to the gravel-covered forest paths "massaging" them, found relief in the cold water and were buzzing with energy. Once I was dry enough, we walked home leisurely, stopping for my dad to take photos and to admire the explosion of colours in other people's gardens.

Knee is doing fine. The tendon on the back of my leg is a bit sore but nothing that I can't stretch away. I hope. Despite the threat of summer rain in the air, my mood is definitely sunny right now.

1 comment:

  1. Det är SÅ underbart att läsa att knät är ok. Min man har ju börjat springa och känner av knät. Jag tror faktiskt att jag har turen att ha styrketränat så väldigt mycket. Har starka muskler i låren. Däremot märker jag av fötter och smådelar på ett annat sätt än vad han gör. Jag är tyngre och har inte tränat så mycket på balansplatta eller så allsidigt som jag borde ha gjort.
    Skönt när du börjar repa dig.
    Här tar det tid att hitta flowet igen. :)
