Sunday, 8 June 2014

My hips don't lie: 3x22 km

When I took my shorts off after this morning's run, it looked like I was still wearing shorts. White shorts. My legs have been exposed to a lot of sunshine the last few days. If only they could speak, they'd have great stories to tell.

Like what they were up to this morning. They'd tell you how they were still inexplicably fresh, despite the two long runs the last couple of days. They'd tell you how quiet it was around town at the beginning of the run, and, by contrast, how busy it was down by the river at the end of the run. They'd tell you how hot it was, because the brain of the body they are attached to may have been planning on heading out at 6 this morning to avoid the heat but slept until 6.40 and didn't get out the door before 8.30. 

Three 22 km runs in as many consecutive days. I've never done anything like this before. The fact that I did it is not in itself the best part of it all. The best part is how easy it felt to get my body going day after day. How pain-free it was. Of course, I am not stupid. Past experience tells me I always get injured when training is going really well. I need to be careful. But for now? For now I'm dancing with joy.


  1. Shortsbränna är status. Tyder på att man faktiskt gjort något, och inte bara suttit och stekt;)

    1. Haha, precis! Lite som blödande knän efter terränglöpning :D
